While in Las Vegas, setup your D-Star radio with the following, or substitute your local Gateway in place of N7ARR. Program in
the information below under "menu/call sign", in your settings:
For NARRI UHF Repeater Operation
Rpt1: N7ARR--B
Rpt2: N7ARR--G
For NARRI VHF Repeater Operation
Rpt1: N7ARR--C
Rpt2: N7ARR--G
For NARRI 1.2 GHz Repeater Operation
Rpt1: N7ARR--A
Rpt2: N7ARR--G
Note: Use your own call sign in place of W7AOR. Each call sign location (Rpt1 and Rpt2) can hold up to eight
characters. The 8th character (B and G in the above example ) is the Switch and is necessary for controlling the
repeater. Spaces are required to position the switch character into the 8th character location UR is the destination.
See the NARRI system operations manual, that is provided to NARRI members, for programming details.
Link to a handy programmer that makes programming easy.
Link to a list of all D-Star repeaters sorted by state.
For NARRI Western D-Star Reflector REF014
NARRI owns and operates D-Star reflector number as the Western D-Star Reflector REF014. It is a high bandwidth server with
three Channels: A, Band C. D-Star Gateways and DV Dongles are free to connect any of the three channels. D-Star owners have asked
to have a 1.2G technical net on REF014A. REF014B has Emcom priority and REF014C is a hangout for Northern California, Nevada and
Oregon plus visiting gateways and dongles.
Click this link D-STAR REFLECTOR REF014 to
see who is connected to REF014. The instructions for linking, via N7ARR Gateway, to REF014 are provided below.
UR:REF014AL (connects to channel A, REF014A or make UR REF014CL for connecting to REF014C. After
connecting, change UR to CQCQCQ .)
Rpt1: N7ARR--C
Rpt2: N7ARR--G
Note: If a NARRI repeater is linked to REF014 do not connect directly to the N7ARR Gateway, connect to the appropriate
REF014 channel (module) after seeing where the NARRI repeater connected.
Contact Kent W7AOR@narri.org for further instructions, as needed, for
connecting to the REF014 or other D-Star questions.