The IRLP Western Reflector
Channel 0 - 9250 This is the main channel and is open  for Calling and QSOs. The North American Hand-shaker's Net is held every Tuesday at 7 p.m.   All ham are welcome.
Channel 1 - 9251 This channel is linked full time to the *WORLD* Echo link Conference. This allows IRLP and Echo link nodes to communicate with each other.

Daily World Wide Friendships nets at 7 am and 5 pm.

Guten Tag. Sprechen sie Deutsch ? German Net Tuesday - Friday

Channel 2 - 9252 Home of the  "The Jacaranda Trace Ham Radio Club”, All welcome.

Channel 3 - 9253 Reserved for Clark County Nevada ARES. This channel (9253) is linked full time to the Clark County Nevada ARES Radio System with good county wide coverage. Channel 3, in turn, is cross-linked to Echo link Conference Server *CCNVARES* 420139 .  *CCNVARES* has the ability to be linked to channel  7 (*DCF-ARC*) or channel 8 (NV-GATE)  for  extended coverage and special purpose nets. 
Channel 4 - 9254 Hawaii–Pacific Rim Linking, Special Activities and Emergency Services. Various nets and interconnections relating to the Hawaii-Pacific Rim are found on this channel. Guam conducts a wide area net on a weekly basis. IRLP Reflector Channel (9254) is linked to Echo link Conference Server *HI-GATE* 367564 full time to allow groups of IRLP and Echo link nodes to conference with each other. This is useful for Emergency Service Nets and, other wise, for fun QSOs.
Channel 5 - 9255 Reserved for the PAPA System out of Southern California for linking system repeaters and guests. The PAPA System is a community of 300+ radio amateurs enjoying the use of twenty-two (22) inter-linked analog and digital D-Star repeaters in California. See
Channel 6 - 9256 Open for QSOs. Some ERC use.

Kid's Net Sunday 8:15 Pacific. See  web site ttp://

Channel 7 - 9257 Emcom Calling and Nets.  Channel 7 ( 9257) is linked to Echo link Conference Server *DCF-ARC* 336037  full time. These facilities are available for used before, during, and after disasters. Emcom organizations may use these VoIP channels without special permission. They may be scheduled  for regional, national, state and organizational practice net.

This channel is used by American Red Cross every Sunday at 6 P.M. local.

The Disaster Communicators Forum (DCF) VoIP Net  follows the  Sunday American Red Cross  Net .

Idaho State ARES conducts a net every Monday at 7 PM  MST.

San Francisco Bay Area American Red Cross Net Wednesdays 7:30 to 9:30 PM Pacific local Time. The following Bay-Net repeaters are tied together full time:  South Bay 145.390 pl 100, 443.225 pl 100 and 927.8625 DPL023; and in the East Bay 443.975 PL 100. See

Utah RACES conducts a net  every other third Thursday at 8 PM MST.   

Public Safety Net every Wednesday 6:30 PM Mountain Time.  Open to all interested in Public Safety. 


Channel 8 - 9258 Nevada Emcom Calling and Nets.  Ref 9258 (Channel 8) is linked to Echo link Conference Server NV-GATE (152566) and thus allows IRLP nodes on Channel 8 to talk to Echo link nodes on NV-GATE.

The NV Section ARRL ARES-RACES uses this channel for weekly net every Thursday at 7 pm Pacific

Nevada ARES/Skywarn Net Every Tuesday at 8 PM Pacific Time. This net is for all parties interested in Skywarn activities. Other ARES business may follow Skywarn. All check-ins provide a weather report for practice and are able to check equipment.

The Nevada Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network  (SATERN) net is Thursdays at 8 PM Pacific time. Visitors are welcome. 

Channel 9 - 9259 Reserved for ERC-ECS Nets and ERC-ECS QSOs. This channel is linked to Echo link Conference  *ERC-ECS*   328327 .      
© Nevada Amateur Radio Repeaters Inc & K6IB - 2010